Sharepoint Admin Consent issue


New member
Hey GS,

Trying to do a mirror job from a local NAS to SP Online. I am a global admin on the destination tenant, when trying to add the crednedtials for the account to access the destination it gets stuck on Getting Admin Consent. RichCopy then times out.
The App registration did happen and consent was granted. please see attached screensnips. Please advise?


  • Getting Admin Consent App Registration.png
    Getting Admin Consent App Registration.png
    168.9 KB · Views: 2
  • Getting Admin Consent Error.png
    Getting Admin Consent Error.png
    34.4 KB · Views: 2
  • Getting Admin Consent.png
    Getting Admin Consent.png
    26.2 KB · Views: 2
added the tenant ID manually afterwards and i was able to test the connection successfully, and job is running