Can GS RichCopy 360 copy access denied files and folders?



Can your software copy files and folders that it does not have access to? We are getting a lot of errors with robocopy and ultracopier as we have thousands of files where we do not have permissions. We are admins on the machine but permissions do not seem to include our admin accounts. We have explored different utilities and taking ownership but it will take us days to get our access permission sorted.
That is a great question. We added this feature in a recent release. If you do not have access permissions to folders or files on your windows machine but you are an Administrator, then our software would invoke override access (as you are an administrator) and copy those files and folders. This also applies if the destination or source are windows machines joined in the domain.

We many many customers having this similar issue so we implemented that feature.

It is available in GS RichCopy Standard and Enterprise and there is nothing you need to do to enable it. it is intelligent enough to work when it is needed.

Please let us know if you have any questions or need any assistance.