Copy from OneDrive to SharePoint


New member
I would like to copy straight from my OneDrive to my SharePoint:
Like this:

from: to:
GSRichCopy360.exe createjob "jobname:Copytest" "source: " "sourcetype:OneDrive" "sourceconnectasuser:[email protected]" "destination: " "destinationtype:OneDrive" "destinationconnectasuser:[email protected]" copyasroot instantcopy "taskconcurrency:4" COPYCHANGES "filecompareoption:Timestamp + Size" logenabled "loglevel:Minimal" "logpath:C:\GSRichCopy360Log\Copytest\GSRichCopy360.txt"

Is that possible?
Hi Reinout,
Welcome to the community ,
Yes it is possible but you need to set the FileCompareOption to TimeStamp. With SharePoint cannot select Size as MS Office files get tagged with metadata which makes the size differ right on upload.

I have a script that must copy multiple OneDrive's to SharePoint. I am Global admin in the environment and also i have access to the OneDrive folders and the SharePoint sites and libraries the files must go to. However, i get the error: user is not verified.